Seattle Tilth's new, expanded 1998 Maritime Northwest Garden Guide is the "must have" resource for Northwest gardeners. In celebration of Seattle Tilth's 20th Anniversary, the guide includes our most detailed monthly gardening calendar to date. In addition to the calendar, this guide features: *Maritime Northwest Climate Zone Map*How to extend the growing season*Completely revised and updated vegetable, herb, and flower variety recommendations *Month-by-month gardening recommendations*Beneficial insect identification*How to beat common plant diseases organically*Getting organic outside the garden*Ideas for gardening with children*Seed and compost sources
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.:
What is Organic Gardening? Well, it isn't rocket science--organic gardening is a lot more complex. Rocket science seeks to accomplish something unnatural by isolating and controlling all relevant factors. Organic gardening seeks a delicate balance between leaving nature alone and manipulating it to produce crops. The following principles, developed throughout this guide, are a starting point for helping you to become a beneficial organism in your garden. Care for the soil...Practice Crop Rotation...Encourage Diversity...Pay Attention...Read On. While your own observations are your best learning tool, you don't have to learn everything all by yourself. Observations about how and when to grow crops best are part of local and regional culture. This guide provides information for beginners to get a jump on learning about growing crops in the Maritime Northwest, and serves as a reference for experienced gardeners.
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