Embark on a colorful adventure with the Disney 100 Giant Coloring Roll Set, a treasure trove of creativity for young artists. Unroll this enchanting canvas to reveal a mesmerizing world populated by beloved Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse, Minnie, the Disney Princesses, Frozen heroes, Encanto's magical family, the Lion King's majestic ensemble, and the Toy Story gang. With an impressive 20 feet of drawing paper, budding artists have ample space to let their imaginations soar across diverse scenes. Accompanied by 16 vibrant crayons, this set ensures every hue of the rainbow is at their fingertips, empowering them to infuse their creations with vibrant life. Departing from traditional coloring books, this innovative roll format presents a refreshing approach to artistic expression, sparking excitement and novelty in children as they explore new avenues of creativity. Ideal for Disney enthusiasts, this set offers a comprehensive Disney experience, capturing the essence of beloved characters and stories, making it a perfect gift choice. After completing their masterpieces, young artists can proudly display their work by unrolling the drawing roll and hanging it on a wall or bulletin board, transforming any space into a gallery of Disney magic. With the Disney 100 Giant Coloring Roll Set, the joy of creativity knows no bounds, inviting children to immerse themselves in a world where imagination knows no limits.