Alexander Belyaev. Collection of essays (in 9 volumes). No Volume 9 In Russian/Belyaev Aleksandr. Sobranie sochineniy (v 9 tomakh).net toma 9. M. Terra 1993-1994. Composition. Volume 1. Professor Dowells Head. Professor Wagners Inventions (8 Stories). Volume 2. Island of Lost Ships. Last Man from Atlantis. Stories (Neither Life nor Death. White Savage). Volume 3. Amphibian Man. Eternal Bread. Stories (Sesame Street, Open Dead Head). Volume 4. Lord of the World. An Air Merchant. Golden Mountain. Volume 5. A Man Lost Face. Underwater Farmers. Stories (Light Prediction. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalba46b34ec40b65f07