
China Jewels Nativity

Holy Family

3 Figurine Set



The perfect way to begin your Lenox Nativity collection. Made of ivory fine china, the three-piece set includes Joseph, baby Jesus, and Mary figurines, each accented with precious gold and colorful enamel jeweling.

Depicting a mother's love and adoration. The China Jewels Nativity Mary looks down toward the baby Jesus, knowing that she has witnessed a miracle. Her hands clasped in prayer, she thanks God for her good fortune. Accented sparingly with enamel dots and 24 karat gold, this work is an example of superb Lenox artistry. Expertly crafted of ivory fine china.

A miraculous event, witnessed in the beauty of Lenox fine china. The China Jewels Nativity Joseph looks down toward the baby Jesus, knowing that he has witnessed a miracle. Accented sparingly with enamel dots and 24 karat gold, this work is an example of superb Lenox artistry. Expertly crafted of ivory fine china.

A work reflecting the beauty of a blessed event. The China Jewels Nativity Baby Jesus is an inspiring depiction of the tiny infant who was also the Son of God. Accented sparingly with enamel dots and 24 karat gold, this work is an example of superb Lenox artistry. Expertly crafted of ivory fine china.