NAME:  Rose of Sharon

OTHER COMMON NAMES:  Hibiscus / Althea / Aaron's Beard

SCIENTIFIC NAME:  Hibiscus Syriacus

COLOR:  Dark Pink

PLANT SEEDS:  Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frost

BLOOM TIME:  Summer - Fall

HARDINESS ZONE:  5 - 9  (& reseeds itself easily)

PLANT HEIGHT:  5 - 10’+

PLANT SPACING:  36 - 48”



QUANTITY:  25 Seeds

OTHER:  The Rose of Sharon is considered a bush, shrub, or small tree. They are very tolerant of pruning and you can shape them into whatever form best suits your needs. They grow well in any soil including clay and are able to tolerate drought. The Rose of Sharon grows very quickly and has a long bloom period during which the large flowers cover the branches. This tropical looking beauty attracts bees, butterflies, and birds including HUMMINGBIRDS. These fabulous shrubs make an excellent living fence and will add a lot of wonderful fall color to any landscape!