Very nice book.
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Product description: Kate Stevens has begun work on a new lace crochet design book, and she has sought the help of Madeline Townsend, a wealthy widow who virtually is a recluse. Their love of crochet has forged an instant bond, but Kate quickly learns how tenuous Madeline's grasp on reality is. The elderly woman lives in constant fear for her husband, now dead for over a year. Kate learns that Madeline's sister and nephew are now her caregivers, trying to shield her from painful truths. They seem to be afraid that Kate's growing friendship is actually exacerbating Madeline's emotional condition. But Kate worries that Madeline is slipping more and more into a world of paranoia. As Kate's affection deepens for Madeline, a budding friendship begins with the dashing nephew, Robert Townsend. Handsome and rich, Robert's suave nature turns Kate's head and grabs the interest of Peter Matthews, the Fort Worth police detective who continues to vie for Kate's attention. With every turn, Kate's hope to collaborate with Madeline on the design book is blocked. But instead of discouraging her, Kate is determined to blast through the logjam of mystery and help her newfound friend.