DETROIT DARK RED BEETS. American Heirloom. The most popular beet on the market since the mid 1800's. The 2 ½ to 3-inch globe shaped roots are tender and sweet. A dual-purpose vegetable, the deep green tops can be cooked like swiss chard or spinach. Easy to grow, uniform bulbs that are the super sweet, with dark red flesh. No concentric rings like most other red beets. Solid dark red flesh holds its color and texture when cooked. pickled, canned or frozen. The beet tops can be used raw in salads or cooked like a green. Beetroots and tops are loaded with vitamins, minerals. and anti-oxidants. Detroit Dark Red Beets are naturally disease resistant. Not real picky about soil PH, drought resistant. Non-Gmo. Organic. Open-pollinated. Non-Hybrid. U.S. Grown seed, mother natures original recipe. 55 Days.100+ Quality Seeds. Thank You!

Bete vulgaris.

Full sun.

Spring, soil temp 60F+.Fall, soil temp below 80F.

SOW 1/4" deep, 3" apart. Keep moist.

Germination in 7-14 days.

Thin to 6", use thinnings raw in salads.

Medium water. 

55 Days to maturity.