Citronella essential oil is an excellent air purifier and helps repel mosquitoes and other insects.
It is extracted from a strain of the lemon grass plant, offering a variety of purifying and cleansing benefits in aromatherapy.
Citronella oil has a variety of diverse healing and cleansing properties and benefits for the body and hair in animal care and home use.
Safe to use at any age and therefore recommended for natural lice treatment.
The amazing feature and strength of citronella oil is its ability to prevent bites from mosquitoes, flies, and other tiny animals that bother us with their tastes.
How to use:
Popular approaches include using Omar HaGilil pure citronella essential oil as a spray in the air or massaging into the skin with vegetable oil.
• To repel, sniff, purify, and disinfect the air space - add a few drops to a burner or a cold vapor diffuser.
• To use a burner - it is recommended to add a few drops of pure citronella oil of Omar HaGalil to boiling water or salt.
• You can also drip a few drops on a cloth.
• For use on the skin - add 2 drops of pure citronella essential oil of Omer HaGalil to base oil or creams, ointments, and butter of Omer HaGalil and apply to the skin.
• To make a customized product - it can be added to base oil, shea butter, multi-purpose cream, aloe vera gel, or sweet soap from Beit Omar HaGalil.
• To repel flies to prevent bites - it is recommended to dilute pure citronella essential oil of Omar HaGalil with alcohol, according to 70 drops in 100 ml of alcohol, and spray in the space of the room or the yard, you can also spray on fabrics.
• To prevent ticks and bedbugs in animals - dab a drop of oil on the hair of the animal, especially in the area of the feet.
• Prevention of lice infection - 1 drop of citronella essential oil, 1 drop of rosemary, sprinkle on the ends of the hair only.
• To treat lice - 2 drops of citronella essential oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil, and 2 drops of rosemary in a tablespoon of shea butter. Apply well also on the roots of the hair. well.
• Another effective use is to soothe the skin after stings even after a burn from contact with a jellyfish - mix 4 drops with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and apply to the irritated skin.
2 bottles 10 ml each