It helps in the prevention of hearing loss and tinnitus.
Hear loss and tinnitus are associated with a deficiency of magnesium in the inner ear cells and excess formation of glutamate that causes neurotoxicity and tinnitus.
Loud noises can damage the ability to hear. Heavy equipment, chainsaws, and firearms are familiar sources of noise-related hearing loss. Portable music devices, such as MP3 players or iPods, also can cause noise-related hearing loss if played loudly for long periods. While short-term exposure, such as attending a loud concert, usually causes tinnitus that goes away, long-term exposure to loud sounds can cause permanent damage.
AudioGuard is an implementation of recent causes of Hear Loss and Tinnitus. The discoveries of those researchers enabled Naveh Pharma to uniquely formulate AudioGuard as an effective weapon that assists in hearing conservation and tinnitus prevention. AudioGuard is composed of Magnesium, Zinc, Gingko-Biloba, and Vitamin B6.
About the ingredients and mode of action
Magnesium treatment has repeatedly been shown to reduce tinnitus and the incidence of temporary and permanent hearing loss.
Magnesium also protects the nerves in the inner ear and is a powerful glutamate inhibitor. (Glutamate is a neurotransmitter, produced by the action of sound waves on the hair cells of the inner ear. The unregulated production of glutamate at sound frequencies for which there is no external stimulation is the cause of tinnitus). The protective effect of magnesium in preventing noise-induced hearing loss has been studied since it was found that magnesium in inner ear fluid decreases significantly after intense noise exposure.
Numerous clinical studies have shown a correlation between zinc deficiency and tinnitus. There has been improvement in tinnitus and sensorineural hearing loss in patients who received Zinc supplementation.
Gingko Bilboa
Gingko Bilboa prevents neurons from Glutamate neuro-toxicity through the reduction of the rise in Ca++ ions.
Vitamin B-6
Vitamin B-6 improves and enhances magnesium absorption.
Consuming 2 capsules of AudioGuard every day will assist in the prevention of hearing loss and tinnitus.
AudioGuard is placed in a fast-acting, pure-grade proprietary formulation. It is one hundred percent food grade. It is 100% free of additives, salt, sugar, preservatives, artificial color, yeast, wheat, gluten, binders, animal products, corn, milk, and soy products.
Magnesium oxide, Zinc, Gingko-Biloba extract, Vitamin B6.