Buffalo gourds (Cucurbita foetidissima) are native to the Chihuahuan Desert and grow throughout the high deserts of New Mexico. The fruits can be used in a variety of ways. The seeds are edible (roasted like pumpkin seeds) and much of the rest of the plant is a potent insecticide and also has medicinal value. (I'll send more information with your seed order.)
This desert-dwelling gourd can be grown as an ornamental ground cover and thrive in very tough conditions. A single spawling vine with its fuzzy blue-gray green leaves and bright yellow squash-like blossoms can cover 400 square feet. We grow Buffalo gourds for fall decorations because the 3 inch, hard-shelled fruit keeps its beautiful color for six months or more. Traditionally, the fruits were carved or painted as decorative vessels or rattles. An artist can turn these hard-shelled gourds into a variety of ornamental objects.
Approximately 40 seeds per packet.