Title: Galapagos: The Flow of Wildness (2 Volume Box Set)

Volumes: Vol. I - Discovery, Vol. II - Prospect

Author: Eliot Porter

Publisher: Sierra Club

Publication Year: 1968

Binding: Hardcover with Dust Jackets and Slipcase

Condition: Good; HCDJs and slipcase are in good condition as seen in the photographs

Genre: Nature, Photography, Travel

Topic: "Galapagos: The Flow of Wildness" is a stunning two-volume set by Eliot Porter that captures the extraordinary beauty and unique biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands. Through his exceptional photography and narrative, Porter provides an in-depth look at the islands' natural history, flora, and fauna, offering readers a vivid exploration of one of the world's most remarkable ecosystems.

Description: This 1968 two-volume box set of "Galapagos: The Flow of Wildness," published by the Sierra Club, includes "Vol. I - Discovery" and "Vol. II - Prospect." Both volumes are hardcovers with dust jackets and come in a slipcase. The set is in good condition, with the dust jackets and slipcase showing minimal wear as seen in the provided photographs. Eliot Porter's exquisite photography and insightful commentary make this collection a valuable addition for nature enthusiasts, photographers, and those interested in the Galapagos Islands.