This high-quality digital file, available in PDF format, consists of 20 printable A4 pages, making it perfect for interactive learning both on paper and as a digital file. The booklet contains a variety of exercises that encourage children to explore the concept of symmetry in innovative and fun ways.
Shape Division Exercises: Allows children to recognize shapes and divide them symmetrically, enhancing critical thinking and creative skills.
Coloring Symmetrical Shapes: This activity helps children learn to distinguish between colors and shapes, and promotes hand-eye coordination.
Completing Drawings: Encourages children to use their imagination to complete drawings symmetrically, contributing to the development of their artistic skills.
With this booklet, you’ll provide your child with a rich and stimulating educational experience that combines fun and learning. Get your copy now and watch your child shine in the world of symmetry! ✨
*1 PDF file
Sized: (8.5 x 11 in.)A4 US letter
* 20 pages