This cooperation spell promotes one's opposition to "see" themselves in one" and recognize how one is like them instead of how one is different. This action alone, will lower contempt, resentment, jealousy and emotional competitions in challenging relations (personal or otherwise). She adds that this potent activaion will "also grant the energies that promote peaceful communications, mutual respect, understanding, support as well as appreciation for differences" instead of discord or conflict! Albina noted that once one gains the "respect and trust" of an opposing party, one will be better able to communicate, gain progress and move forward without unnecessary obstacles.
This will assist one by drawing in an even more potent force of energies that assist the bearer by further gaining the calm, trust of others, while also projecting one's most glowing strengths with a commanding respect. Albina says that others will want to listen, and even desire one's input as one's strong presence increases and their "clenched fists" relax open. Albina says that this activation allows for great influence in determining outcomes and efficiently meeting goals as long as one's intent and influence is 'non-malicious' . In turn, one will find that one's ability to take charge and lead is a comfortable transition in an accepting and welcome environment !
This activation will solidify better relations and communications as well. This will result in cooperation and assistance from others to allow the bearer to not only progress, but will also promote support and help from others in doing so!! She explains that one will have formed new friendships and relations that assist with moving forward in friendships, relationships, career and what one accepts as worthy of oneself .This new found confidence and surrounding support from those who had once opposed one will as Albina says lend power from around one and draw power from within one" to create and shape the brightest future possible!!