30 Pieces Fat Burning Patch Slimming Belly Patch Slim Detox Patch Chinese Slimming Patch Slim Wormwood Belly Button

The herbal pill in the center of the patch produces magnetic waves which are able to perform messages similar to meridian therapy. It works in the same principle of Acupuncture Treatment. The magnetization of blood system could effectively promote the depolymerization of blood cells and platelets thus improving the order of extra cellular ions and non-ionic substance. When acting on the skin, it helps release the nutrients and negative oxygen ion accumulated in the body.

This product is highly effective in blocking the absorption of oil, sugar and starch and helps balance the appetite, also helps by eliminating toxins in the body. Slimming effect using patch is higher than taking pills because it bypasses the digestive system, the liver and the kidney. It is more effective patching on the navel....the navel is the thinnest belly wall on the human body. There are no fat tissues under the skin of the navel, which is why it is sensitive to external simulations. Absorbing these natural herbs through the navel skin is thus the fastest way to bring its effect into the circulation system of the human body.

********Recommended use time: 8-10 hours******

Based on the ingredient list, there is a chance that some of the herbs could increase core temperature while patch is on but there’s no scientific research to support the claims but consult with a dermatologist before use if concerns.

Body slimming remove moisture moxibustion belly button easy fit Herbal Patches.

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