Cocculus Indicus (Dilution)

A tincture is prepared from the powered seeds

Common Name:  Cocculus,  Indian Cockle 

Causes & Symptoms for Cocculus Indicus

Mind and Head

It is suitable to exhausted; unable to sustain any mental or physical efforts people.

Cocculus relieves the congestive headaches, sick headache, nausea, vertigo,tired feeling.

Disposition to take everything in bad part and to be angry.

Vertigo; on rising up in the bed, with inclination to vomit indicates Cocculus.

Convulsive trembling of the head, caused by weakness of the muscles of the neck.

Eyes, ear, nose

Convulsive rolling of the balls of the eyes during the spasms with difficulty in opening the eyelids at night.

sensation as if the ears were stopped and Swelling of the parotids indicates Cocculus.

Cocculus relieves Coryza, with ulcerated nostrils, swelling of the nose.

Swelling and induration of the sub-maxillary glands.

Mouth and Throat

Cocculus relieves dryness of the throat.Burning pain in the esophagus, and in the throat.

Quivering and twitching of the muscles of the face, numbness of the face, indicates Cocculus.

Stomach and abdomen

Desire for cold drinks, and especially for beer.

Attacks of nausea, dizziness, nausea and vomiting indicates Cocculus.

Violent cramp-like pains, squeezing, as if from a claw and cramps in the stomach.

Contractive pinchings in the upper part of the abdomen, flatulent, cramp-like colic, is relieved with Cocculus.

The flatus is passed without relief, enlargement of the liver after parturition, sour, nauseous taste in the mouth

The thought of food or the smell of food in the other room, or in the kitchen, will nauseate the patient in Cocculus.

Violent attacks of gastralgia, violent cramp of the stomach. Griping, pinching, constrictive pain. 

Colicky pains in the bowels; great distension of the abdomen is relieved with Cocculus.

Stool and Anus

Tearing, cutting, spasmodic pains in the bowels, Violent, cramping pains in the bowels, Urging to stool and burning in rectum is relieved with Cocculus.

Contractive pain in the rectum, preventing sitting.

Urinary complaints

Frequent desire to urinate, with small discharges.

Male complaints

Pulling pains as from a bruise in the testes, on their being touched, excitability of the genital parts, with desire for coition.

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