Double bill of animated adventures. In 'Madagascar' (2005), when a group of pampered Central Park Zoo animals find themselves transported to the wild, they find that their easy life in captivity hasn't prepared them in the slightest for the real world. Alex the Lion (voice of Ben Stiller), Marty the Zebra (voice of Chris Rock), Gloria the Hippo (voice of Jada Pinkett Smith) and Melman the Giraffe (voice of David Schwimmer) are star attractions at the Central Park Zoo in New York. When they find themselves mixed up in an attempted zoo-break by the cunning penguins, the keepers decide that the animals are restless and return them to the wild. On the island of Madagascar, the animals are having a hard time adjusting, but when they meet eccentric King Julien (voice of Sacha Baron Cohen), they start to find life a bit easier, even if Alex is gradually reverting to his more primal instincts. In 'Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa' (2008), the motley crue of zoo animals find themselves stranded in the vast plains of Africa, where they come across long-lost relatives, romantic rivals and scheming hunters. Africa is an exciting place full of freedom and adventure - but could it be that, despite their natural origins, Central Park is the animals' true home? Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.