Anime retelling of Fritz Lang's silent classic 'Metropolis' (1927). Ruled by the despotic Duke Red (voice of Taro Ishida), ultra-futuristic city Metropolis is a playground for its rich citizens, but is serviced and kept going by an underclass of robots toiling below ground. The Duke who lost his biological daughter is consumed by the desire to create a robot version of her, much to the chagrin of his adopted son, the belligerent loner Rock (Kouki Okada). Arriving in the poorer side of the city are Kenichi (Kei Kobayashi) and his uncle, who are in search of missing scientist Dr Laughton (Junpei Takeguchi). But Dr Laughton is the genius behind Duke Red's robot-building centre and also mastermind of the part-human, part-robot replacement daughter the Duke has requested, known as Tima (Yuka Imoto). Ever more jealous of his father's interest in the Tima project, Rock attempts to kill the Doctor and Tima just as Kenichi and his uncle arrive. However, Kenichi and his uncle rescue Tima and Rock pursues them through the robot underworld. Tima then starts to learn what it's like to be a girl and promptly falls in love with Kenichi. But it soon transpires that she has a special place in the Duke's plans and things go from bad to worse as the Duke plugs her into the robot grid, elevating her to serene leader of all Metropolis with disastrous results... Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.