Double bill of Disney animated features set in Ancient China, following the adventures of the beautiful and spirited heroine Mulan (voice of Ming-Na Wen). In 'Mulan' (1998), Ancient China faces invasion by the barbarian hordes of Shan-Yu (Miguel Ferrer), and calls all able-bodied men to arms to defend their Emperor. Young girl Mulan disguises herself as a boy and joins up in her aged father's place, accompanied by her protectors: guardian dragon Mushu (Eddie Murphy) and lucky cricket Cri-Kee (Frank Welker). Mulan trains under the handsome Captain Shang (B.D. Wong), with whom she soon finds herself falling in love - and quickly shows herself to be a capable warrior. When Mulan is wounded in battle, however, the secret of her gender is discovered, and she faces exposure and disgrace. In the sequel, 'Mulan 2' (2004), Shang has asked for Mulan's hand in marriage, but the happy couple's wedding preparations are hampered first by the mischievous Mushu (Mark Moseley), who tries to keep them apart for as long as possible in order to retain his job as Mulan's guardian dragon, and then by a secret mission in which Mulan and Shang are assigned to escort three princesses across China for their arranged marriages. But when Mulan discovers that the women aren't looking forward to their weddings, she boldly decides to take an alternative course of action - a decision that will alter the course of history. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.