A collection of four animated features based on characters from the Marvel Comics. In 'Ultimate Avengers' (2006), when a nuclear missile was fired at Washington in 1945, Captain America (voice of Marc Worden) saved the world by causing it to detonate it in the upper atmosphere but then he fell miles into the icy depths of the North Atlantic, where he froze in ice for over 60 years. But now, with the world on the brink of annihilation, as sinister forces attempt to seize control of the world, Captain America must rise again as the last hope of humanity, and lead a strong-willed team of today's superheroes. In 'Ultimate Avengers 2 - Rise of the Panther' (2006), back to defend the planet against the invasion of aliens, the formidable team of superheroes reunites for another action-packed adventure. The powerful team brings together some of Marvel's cornerstone characters: Captain America (Justin Gross), Giant-Man (Nolan North), Thor (David Boat), Wasp (Grey DeLisle), Black Widow (Olivia d'Abo), the Incredible Hulk (Fred Tatasciore) and General Nick Fury (Andre Ware). In the two-parter 'Hulk Vs. Wolverine/Thor' (2009), the Incredible Hulk is pitted against formidable foes. In the first part, Wolverine (Steve Blum) is sent by the top secret Canadian 'Department H' to confront The Hulk, who has been marauding across the country, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. The second episode finds The Hulk in Asgard, the realm of the Norse gods. The devious god Loki (Graham McTavish) is planning to bring about the downfall of his stepbrother, the mighty Thor. Taking advantage of the absence of Odin, the King of the Gods, Loki brings in The Hulk to challenge Thor. Finally, in 'The Invincible Iron Man' (2007), when billionaire inventor Tony Stark (Marc Worden) uses break-through technology to physically raise a forgotten city, he awakens an unspeakable evil, giving life to the most vile of all emperors - the Mandarin (Tatasciore). Only one man can stop this newly re-emerged force of evil - one who will don a powerful suit of armour forged from iron and advanced technology to become The Invincible Iron Man. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.