All four of the CGI-animated family comedy adventures. In 'Open Season' (2006) domesticated grizzly bear Boog (voice of Martin Lawrence) gets lured into leaving the creature comforts of home by fast-talking mule deer Elliot (Ashton Kutcher), and soon finds himself lost in the woods just three days before hunting season begins. Forced to rough it in the great outdoors, Boog goes native, rallying all the forest animals to take back their home and send the hunters packing. In 'Open Season 2' (2008) after falling head over hooves in love with fellow deer Giselle (Jane Krakowski), Elliot (Joel McHale)'s road to the altar takes a slight detour when Mr Weenie (Cody Cameron) is kidnapped by a group of pampered pets led by petulant poodle Fifi (Crispin Glover). In 'Open Season 3' (2010) Boog (Mike Epps), feeling let down by his friends who are all busy with their families, decides to run away with a Russian travelling circus. There he makes some interesting new friends and falls in love with Ursa (Gina Torres), a Russian-born grizzly bear. But when Boog's friends discover that he has dropped out of their circle, they mount a rescue mission to bring him home and show him just how much he matters to them. In 'Open Season: Scared Silly' (2015) best friends Elliot (Will Townsend), Boog (Donny James Lucas) and Mr Weenie (also Townsend) embark on an adventure to cure Boog's fear of being frightened. After Elliot tells a scary story around the campfire, he realises that his good friend Boog needs to learn how to not be scared of everything around him and so he plots a journey that takes them, along with their friend Mr Weenie, through Dead Bear Gulch, where they will help Boog tackle his fears head-on. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.