Ten animated adventures from the Sylvanian families. 'Dam Busters' sees Donny, a frail young boy who wishes he was strong, help Preston Evergreen and Roger Waters stop Packbat from breaking up the dam. 'Outfoxing the Foxes' sees Joey wishing he wouldn't get tricked by the other kids all the time. In 'Grace Under Pressure', Grace wishes she wasn't so clumsy. In 'Fraidy Cats', Maria wishes she didn't get scared so easily. 'The Bear Facts' sees the Sylvanian bank being robbed, and the missing acorns turning up in Mayor Gruff Timbertop's backyard. In 'Fool's Gold', Grover Chestnut gets trapped in Packbat's cave, Penny goes to the rescue. In 'Know It All', Jack, a boy who thinks he knows everything, finds out the hard way in Sylvanian Forest. 'School Daze' sees Jonathan, a boy who hates school, join Tusty Wildwood and Lester Thistlethorn in ditching classes. In 'Double Trouble', Katie comes to the Sylvanian Forest where Packbat kidnaps her. And finally, in 'Cooking Up Trouble', Bridget, a girl who wishes she could eat anything she wants, visits the Wildwoods during the Ginger Festival. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.