10mm x 3mm Super Strong Round Magnets Rare Earth Crafts Fridge Magnets


Dimensions: 10mm x 3mm thick (2/5" x1/8" thick)
Tolerances: ±0.5mm x ±0.4mm

Plating/Coating: Ni-Cu-Ni (Nickel)
Magnetization Direction: Axial (Poles on Flat Ends)
Max Operating Temp: 176ºF (80ºC)
Pull Force: approx. 5.5 lb (2.7 kg)

Material Features:
N52 grade Magnets are made of a brittle material. These magnets are not as strong as steel.  They are more like a brittle ceramic.  If you let two magnets slam together, they can crack and break.  This is true for magnets large and small. 
Strong magnets should Keep away from Ironware and some easily magnetized iron products, such as monitors, bank cards, computers, televisions, mobile phones and other.
These magnets are very powerful which should be handled with great care. Without parents supervised do not allow children to playing magnets as they could get injured. Especially pay attention to the small magnets, please place in somewhere children can't reach place.

AOMagnet neodymium rare earth magnets are up to 10x stronger than their ceramic counterparts. In addition, AOMagnet.com neodymium magnets are triple plated (Nickel) for maximum durability and protection against corrosion. Neodymium magnets are brittle, and will break or chip if allowed to slam together. However, if used gently, these magnets will last for a lifetime. SAFETY WARNING: VERY STRONG MAGNETS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF ALL CHILDREN. THIS IS NOT A TOY. DO NOT INGEST OR INHALE. DO NOT PUT IN NOSE OR MOUTH. SWALLOWED MAGNETS CAN STICK TO INTESTINES CAUSING SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION IF MAGNET(S) ARE SWALLOWED OR INHALED.

Acoustic field: the speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage audio, car audio and so on.

Electronics: permanent magnetic actuator vacuum circuit breakers, magnetic relays, meter, meter,
sound meter, a reed switch, sensors.

Electrical field: VCM, CD / DVD-ROM, generators, motors, servo motors, micro-motors, motors, vibration motors.

Machinery and equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery.

Healthcare: MRI scanners, medical equipment, magnetic health products and so on.

Other industries: magnetized Wax, pipe descaling, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic locks, doors and window magnetic, magnetic luggage, leather magnetic toys, magnetic tools, gifts and packaging.

1, Strong magnets should Keep away from Ironware and some easily magnetized iron products, such as monitors, bank cards, computers, televisions, mobile phones and other

2, Strong magnets should be stored in a dry, heated environment, and need to use of plastic, wood, cardboard, foam to separated and wrapped.

3, Magnets might affect water meter ,electric meter, gas meter and some metering equipment exist some inaccurate affect (Such as : if magnets placed near the meter, the meter will slow down)

Note: Be careful fragile and clip hand, placed in a dry place, stored at room temperature!
WARNING: We would not recommend this magnet be used by children under 5 without supervision!



Country Delivery Time
Working Days (not including holiday) 5-7 8-11 12-14 15-19 20-22
Working Days + Saturday + Sunday 5-9 10-15 16-20 21-25 26-30
United States Rate (item arrived) 5 .1% 50.1% 29.6% 10.5% 4.7%
英国 价格(商品到达) 9.9% 63.2% 19.1% 3.4% 4.4%
澳大利亚 价格(商品到达) 21.4% 50.0% 14.3% 7.2% 7.1%
法国 价格(商品到达) 10.5% 28.6% 43.8% 10.1% 7.0%
德国 价格(商品到达) 11.1% 22.2% 30.3% 20.9% 15.5%
加拿大 价格(商品到达) 0.0% 47.1% 31.4% 17.6% 3.9%
西班牙 价格(商品到达) 3.5% 25.0% 47.9% 12.9% 10.7%

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