The book is a “behind the scenes” look at Chabad. Topics discussed 1. What do Journalists, Academics and non-Chabad professionals say about the organization? 2. Who are today’s Movers and Shakers of Chabad? 3. Who is the most influential person within Chabad? 4. Refuting PEW study 5. Who are some of main financial supporters of the movement? 6. What’s Chabad relationship today with YU, Modern Orthodox, Satmar, etc? 7. Interviews with ppl who became Chabad 8. Chabad and Hillel- a Change for the good _________________ RABBI CHAIM DALFIN is a learned Chabad “insider” with an eye for the ethnographic and an ear for the stories that make history more than just dry recounting of facts. “Chabad’s Secret” is a sympathetic and well-informed portrait of a movement that has been changing the shape of world Jewry in profound ways. This book may raise as many questions as it answers, but those questions will be smarter and better informed by virtue of having engaged Rabbi Dalfin’s passionate account of what makes Chabad so successful in today’s open religious marketplace. – Don Seeman, Ph.D., Department of Religion, Jewish Studies,Emory University_____________ FROM SHULS TO SCHOOLS, from rehab centers to online libraries, the Chabad movement has flourished since the passing of its revered leader in 1994. This book describes the movement’s dizzying array of programs and institutions, as well as the wealthy individuals who finance them. Based on his own experiences as a lifelong member and keen observer of Chabad, Rabbi Chaim Dalfin offers an insider’s take on his beloved movement, supplemented by others’ journalistic and academic analysis, as well as the voices of many people who have been touched by Chabad. Anyone interested in Jewish education and community building will find this book enlightening. – Sarah Bunin Benor, Author of Becoming How Newcomers Learn the Language and Culture of Orthodox Judaism