If you are looking for a long blooming perennial to add to your garden, check out Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’! It has been noted that ‘Totally Tangerine’ can produce up to five times the amount of flowers you may see on older varieties of Geum. Geum prefer rich, well-drained soil. Some moisture required. Morning sun with afternoon shade is preferred in hot summer climates. Good winter drainage is necessary for survival. Can be divided every 2 years or so in early spring or early fall. Cut back spent foliage in summer after flowering for flush of new growth. Deadheading encourages greater flower production.
Zones 4-7
Mature Height: 18-30"
Part sun to sun
Bloom Time: Late Spring-Early Summer
Immediate shipping in a 2.5" Pot. Dormant shipping in winter.


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