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What a mystery of glory there is in prayer! On the one hand, we see God, in His holiness and love and power, waiting, longing to bless man; and on the other, sinful man, a worm of the dust, bringing down from God by prayer the very life and love of heaven to dwell in his heart.But how much greater the glory of intercession!—when a man makes bold to say to God what he desires for others, and seeks to bring down on one soul, or it may be on hundreds and thousands, the power of the eternal life with all its blessings.This short devotional is written with the view of rousing Christians to some right sense of the solemn duty, of the high privilege, and of the wonderful power of intercession. It seeks to point out what a place intercession has in God's plan for the extension of His Kingdom, and for the strengthening of the life of His children so that they may receive from Him the heavenly blessings He has to bestow, and then go forth to impart them to the world around.