A fine groundcover that stays small, it's perfect for entry gardens, courtyards and atriums. Very good as an edge plant for water gardens or arranged around the base of fountains. Plant as a linear edging in formal shade gardens or in small clusters in Asian gardens.

Spacing:  4 to 6 inches apart for quick fill;  8 to 10 inches apart if you have patience
Mature Height : 2-4 Inches
Mature Width : 8-10 Inches
Exposure : Full shade to partial sun
Hardiness Zones : 6-11


The listed price is for ( 3 ) starter plants  -

We CAN NOT guarantee plants will have flowers at time of purchase


Starter Plants are not large established plants and are not meant to be planted directly into the landscape. All starter plants should be potted and kept in a protected area where it can receive some tlc for at least 6mo to 1 year before planting

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