* If you don't see your model number , please contact us to check it for you *
If you discover that the glass cooking tray in your microwave is damaged, you may have to replace it to operate the microwave properly. The glass cooking tray connects to the turntable of the microwave and rotates to ensure even cooking. This part is made entirely of glass, and is about 14 inches in diameter. Many of our customers rated this repair as very easy. To complete the repair, simply remove the old cooking tray and replace it with the new one. Be sure to remove any broken pieces with the old cooking tray. This product is sold individually.

Fits Models:

Kenmore 40180082700, 40185053010, 40180083700, 40185052210, 40185053310, 40185059210, 40185052310, 40180084700, 40180082010, 40180086700, 40185052010, 40180089700, 40185053210, 40185059010
Samsung MS14K6000AS, SMH7175BFXAC, MW7490WXAA, MR7491G01, MR7492WXAA01, SMH7176STEXAA, SMH1816W, MW6576W, MW7695GS/XAA, MW6470W/XAA, SMH1927B, SMH8187WG, MW7592WXAA, 592856030, SMH7178STD/XAA, AMC6158BCW, ME21R706BAT, MW6572W, SRH1230ZG/XAA, AMC5143BCW, SMH1927SXAA, SMH8187BG, MS6785G, MS7796W/XAA, MR7492W01XAA, JMC9158BCW, SMH1816B, SMH9187ST/XAA, ME19R7041FS, ME21F606MJT, ME21K6000AS, 592856090, MC7698WXAA, SMH7187STG/XAA, MC7698W, MG1345WCSAM, SMH7178STFXAC, MR6483G, MW7692WXAA, MR6472W, MW1480STA, MW6471G/XAA, SMH7175WF, SMH7187STG, SMH9187W, WMW18109XAA, MW7593GXAA, MD1200SD, SMH7185STGXAC, SMH1926B, MW6584W, 592856040, SMH1816B/XAA-0000, ME21H706MQG, SMH7174BE/XAA, ME21K7010DS, MS14K6000AG, SRH1230ZS/XAA, ME21R7051SS, MR1352BB/XAA, MR7493G01XAA, SMH1927S, SMH9187W/XAA, MS5796W, MW6692W01XAA, SMH7175CE, SMH1926W, SMH8187STGXAC, MW6692WXAA, MD1200WDXAA, JMC9158BCS, SMH8187BGXAC, MG1480STC, MW7896WXAA, ME19R7041FB, MW6692W, ME20H705MSS, ME21M706BAG, 80083, MR6472WXAA, SMH7178STF, JES1131WC001, ME19R7041FT, SMH7185WG, MW6574W, MR6471G, MR6483GXAA, MR7491G/XAA, MD1200SDXAA, SMH2117S, ME18H704SFG, MB6774W, ME20H705MSB, MR6699GB/XAA, SRH1230ZW, MW6580W/XAA, SMH7175CEXAA, SMH8187STG, ME21H706MQW, SMH9207STXAA, UMC5200BCW, JES1131WC, MS7796W01, 592856060, SMH7185BGXAA, MW1455BAXAA, SMH9187ST, ME19R7041FG, MR7493GXAA, MW6575G, ME21M706BAS, SMH7174WC/XAA, MG1480STCXAP, ME21K7010DG, MG7980WXAO, AMC5143BCQ, AMC5143BCS, ME1460SB/XAA, MW7491GXAA, SMH1816S, MR6482W, SMH9207STXAC, MW7897GXAA, 80084, 80089, ME18H704SFS, SMH2117S/XAA-0001, ME21H706MQS, MS1440BB/XAA, ME20H705MSW, MW1280STDXAP, MW7692W, SMH7185STG, SMH2117S/XAA-0002, UMC5200BCB, MW6490WXAA, MW6585G, MW6370W, MG7980W, SMH1927BXAA, SMH7177STE/XAA, SMH9187STXAC, MW6693G, MS7796W01XAA, MW6584WXAA, SMH1816WXAC, MW1455WA, AMC5143BCB, MG7920W, AMC2206BAQ, MG7696W, ME21H9900AS, SMH7175BE/XAA, SMH7185BGXAC, SMH7178STDXAP, MW64900W, MS6785GXAA, MW6573G, SMH7185WGXAA, MR7492W/XAA, MR6481GXAA, WMW18109, SMH7187STGXAA, DMW139W, MW6470W, SMH7175WE/XAA, SMH7175WFXAC, MS1440WB/XAA, SMH7185WGXAC, MS5796W/XAA, MW7593G, SMH9207ST, MW7896W, SMH1816SXAA, MW6371G, MR6482WXAA, MR6699SB/XAA, MW6370W/XAA, MW6490W, MW6573G/XAA, MW7897G, SMH7176STE, SMH7185BG, ME21R7051SG, MR7491G01XAA, JMC9158BCB, ME18H704SFW, MW6471G, 592856000, MW7592W01XAA, SMH9187B/XAA, SRH1230ZWXAA, SMH8187WGXAC, ME21H706MQB, MS1470WA/XAA, MD1200WD, ME18H704SFB, MR1351WB/XAA, MW6585GXAA, AMC6158BCB, SMH1816W/XAA-0000, MG1345WC, SMH7174WE/XAA, MW1455BA, MR7493G01, SMH7178STE/XAA, 80086, ME19A7041WS, MR6481G, MW6580W, UMC5200BCS, MS7797GXAA, MR7492W/XAA-01, MW6371G/XAA, MC7698WXAX, MS7796W, ME21B706B12, MW1455WAXAA, SMH7174BC/XAA, SMH7185STG/XAA, 80082, MW7592W, MW7491G, MW1480STAXAA, SMH1926S, SMH1927W, MD1200WDXAP, AMC6158BCS, MG14H3020CM, MW6693GXAA, MS7797G, SMH1816S/XAA-0000, SMH1816WXAA, SMH1816SXAC, SMH7174CC/XAA, SMH7175BF, ME21F707MJT, SMH9187B, MG7696WXAP, MR6698WB/XAA
Amana AMC5143AAS00, AMC2206BAW, AMC2206BAS06, AMC6138AAQ, AMC5143AAS14, MR6699GB, SRH1230ZG, AMC2206BAB00, AMC5143AAS06, AMC5143AAW, AMC5143BCS10, SRH1230ZS, AMV5206BAB, MR7492W, AMC2206BAS00, AMC6158BAS, AMC2206BAB06, AMC5143AAB, AMC5143BCB10, AMC2206BAB15, AMC5143AAW00, AMC2206BAB, MR6699SB, AMC6158BAB, AMV5206BAS, MW7695GS, MR6698WB, AMC5143AAQ, AMC5143BCW10, AMC2206BAW00, AMC6158BAW, AMC6138AAS, AMC2206BAW15, AMC2206BAW06, AMC5143AAQ14, AMC6138AAB, AMC2206BAS15, AMC6138AAW, AMV5206BAW, MR1352BB, AMC5143AAB06, AMC5143AAW06, MR1351WB, MR7492W01, AMC5143AAS, AMC2206BAS, AMC5143AAB14, AMC5143BCQ10, MR7491G, AMC5143AAW14
Jenn-Air JMW8330DAB15, JMC1150WW00, JMC9158BAS13, JMV8186AAS, JMW9330DAW16, JMV8186AAW17, JMV8186AAW15, JMC9158BAB, JMW8330DAW16, JMC5200BAW, AMC6158BCW10, JMC9158BCS10, JMC9158BCW10, JMC1150WB00, AMC6158BCS10, JMC5200BAW13, JMC5200BAW14, JMV8186AAS16, JMC5200BAW15, JMC9158BAB13, JMW9330DAS16, JMW9330DAB16, JMC9158BAS, JMC1150WS00, AMC6158BCB10, JMV8186AAB14, JMC9158BAW, JMW8330DAS16, JMV8186AAB, JMC9158BCB10, JMV8186AAW, JMV8186AAS14, JMC9158BAW13, JMV8186AAB16
Magic Chef ME1460SB
Maytag SMH7174WC, MMV4203DB00, MS1440BB, UMC5200BAW06, MS1440WB, SMH7174BE, MMV4205BAW15, SMH7174CC, UMC5200BAW, UMV2186AAS, UMC5200BAW00, UMC5200BAB06, MMV4205BAS14, MMV4205BAQ17, YMMV4203DS00, UMC5200BAS, MMW5530DAW21, MS1470WA, SMH7178STD, SMH7175WE, MMV4205BAB, MMV4205BAW18, MMV4205BAB14, UMC5200BAS00, MMV4203DS00, MMV4203DQ00, SMH7178STE, MMV4205BAW, MMV4203DW00, MMV4205BAS, MMV4205BAB17, MMW5530DAB20, SMH7174BC, UMV2186AAW, SMH7177STE, MMV4205BAQ, MMV4205BAS17, UMV2186AAB, MMV4205BAQ14, UMC5200BAS06, UMC5200BAB, SMH7174WE, SMH7175BE

Our Policy:

* Please check ETA before placing the order.

* Items returned not in original conditions are subject to a 50% deduction or deny any credit. The part must not have any type of damage, such as signs of installation by the customer, marks, or scratch.

Please contact us through messages for the following reasons :Our respond time is 24 hours.

If you did not receive your item within the ETA .
If you received an item that is does not fit, please provide us your model and serial number to check.
If you need to return an item .
Item not as described for one of the following reasons (Item is defective, Doesn't match description or photos, Received wrong item, Missing parts or pieces, Arrived damaged).
Thank You for Shopping!