Title: Julius Caesar: Man, Soldier, And Tyrant (Da Capo Paperback)
Author: J. F. C. Fuller
Publisher: Da Capo Press
Publication Year: 1991
Format: Softcover
Condition: Good (as seen in photographs)
"Julius Caesar: Man, Soldier, And Tyrant" by J. F. C. Fuller provides a comprehensive exploration of one of history's most influential figures. Published by Da Capo Press in 1991, this paperback edition offers readers a nuanced portrait of Julius Caesar, delving into his life, military campaigns, and political ambitions.
Drawing on historical sources and scholarly research, Fuller traces Caesar's rise to power, his military conquests, and his controversial role as dictator of Rome. From his early years in Roman politics to his assassination and legacy, this book offers a balanced and insightful analysis of Caesar's complex character and historical significance.
Condition Details:
This paperback edition of "Julius Caesar: Man, Soldier, And Tyrant" is in good condition, as depicted in the accompanying photographs. The cover shows minimal signs of wear, and the binding remains intact. Overall, this copy is well-preserved and entirely readable.
Delve into the life and times of Julius Caesar with "Julius Caesar: Man, Soldier, And Tyrant" by J. F. C. Fuller. Whether you're a student of history, a military enthusiast, or simply intrigued by the story of one of antiquity's most compelling figures, this book offers a compelling and informative read.