There s a lot more to gay life in the big city than Queer As Folk, QueerEye, and Will and Grace!A "gentlemen s bar" on Manhattan s Upper East Side, the Brownstone is aquaint oasis of Chippendale and Sondheim in a wasteland of chrome and clubkids. But the boys in the Brownstone aren t all gentlemen. And their livesare anything but quaint. This sparkling collection of witty,affectionate-and disturbing-tales of the city will induce smiles, chuckles,and chills as it weaves through a colorful assortment of characters linkedtogether in the most surprising ways. Join them at the Brownstone as theygather together-some for the first time, others for the last-on the nightbefore Christmas Eve in this smart and funny first novel that s not aboutlifestyles-just lives with plenty of style.A richly detailed slice of gay life in the big city from screenwriter KevinScott (Key Exchange), The Boys in the Brownstone is alive and kicking withthe ups and downs of the real world where gay men may be hot, funny, andfashionable but are also real men with jobs, families, and fears. Withhumor, heart, and a little bit of courage, they deal with the issues of gaymarriage, gays in the priesthood, AIDS, diversity, narcissism, consumerism,circuit parties, and everything else that comes with the territory whenyou re living in gay New York City, circa 2004.

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