Sent by promptly from Helsinki, Finland.Description:V knige predstavleny rezultaty primenenija DSM-metoda avtomaticheskogo porozhdenija gipotez dlja intellektualnogo analiza dannykh. V otlichie ot izvestnykh metodov analiza dannykh DSM-metod realizuet vzaimodejstvie trekh poznavatelnykh protsedur --- induktsii, analogii i abduktsii (v izvestnykh zhe nestatisticheskikh metodakh analiza dannykh realizujutsja lish otdelnye protsedury --- naprimer, induktsija ili analogija). Osobennostju DSM-metoda javljaetsja tochnaja kharakterizatsija uslovij ego primenimosti i postroenie spetsifikatsij dlja razlichnykh predmetnykh oblastej. V knige soderzhatsja rezultaty primenenija DSM-metoda dlja analiza dannykh v farmakologii, biokhimii, meditsinskoj diagnostike, kriminalistike i robototekhnike. Kniga prednaznachena dlja spetsialistov v oblasti iskusstvennogo intellekta i analiza dannykh, a takzhe dlja logikov i filosofov, interesujuschikhsja problemami iskusstvennogo intellekta. Automatic Hypotheses Generation in Intelligent Systems The results of the application of JSM-method of automatic hypotheses generation in Intelligent data analysis are represented in the book. The JSM-method realizes the synthesis of three cognitive procedures --- induction, analogy, abduction. This separates the method from other methods of data analysis: in non-statistical methods only single procedure --- induction or analogy, for example, --- is realized. The strict characterization of applicability conditions and details specifications for different domains seems to be considered as the peculiarities of JSM-method. The book contains the results of JSM-application to pharmacology, biochemistry, medical diagnostics, sociology, criminalistics and robotics. The book is intended for professionals working in the field of artificial intelligence and data analysis, as well as for logicians and philosophers with an interest in this research.