Kali Bromatum(Dilution)

Common Name:  Bromide of Potassium, Potassic Bromide

Causes & Symptoms for Kali Bromatum

Mind and Head

Brain fag, from grief and anxiety, Fidgety, busy hands, fumbles, Restlessness is marked in kali brom pateints.

Forgets how to talk and has to be told the word before he can speak it, Stammering, slow, difficult speech.

Violent headache or numbness felt in occiput, Vertigo on stooping with Numb feeling in the head. 

Eyes, ear, Nose

Watering of eyes with dimness of vision.

Roaring noise heard in the ear indicate kali brom

Coryza that settles in the larynx, throat.

Stomach and abdomen

Constant Persistent Hiccoughs, women who vomit their food after each meal.

Vomiting with intense thirst; of drunkards is relieved with Kali Bromatum.

Periodic colic in infants, occurring about 5 p.m with grinding teeth in sleep, screaming, moaning, crying.

Complaints associated with Intense Thirst is seen in Kali bromatum.

Stool and Anus

Constipation; stools very dry, hard and infrequent with painless diarhhoea and chilliness even in a hot room.

Blind, intensely painful varices with black stools is recovered with kali Brom

Pain in hcmorrhoids, fissures of rectum and painful growths is checked with help of Kali bromatum.

Female complaints

Ovarian neuralgia with great nervous uneasiness and fainting during menses indicated kali Brom.

Ovaries pain, swelling, tenderness of left ovary, with headache before menses, Convulsions during labour.

Male complaints

Excessive sexual desires, with constant erections at night leading to ejaculation defects is checked with kali bromatum.


Hands and fingers in constant motion, fidgety of hands is marked in kali Bromatum.

Twitching of fingers with restlessness is a key indication of Kali brom.

Can not stand erect, legs weak.


Moist eruptions with moist eczmea, Slightly elevated, smooth, red patches, like urticaria, but with hardened bases indicates Kali brom

Painful pustules, boils, eruption of small boils in successive crops, mostly on face and trunk, with troublesome itching is relieved with this medicine.

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