"Connolly lets his imagination and his wit run delightfully wild as he describes Hell's denizens and the human band's pilgrimage through its geography."- New Orleans Times-Picayune, "Connolly lets his imagination and his wit run delightfully wild as he describes Hell's denizens and the human band's pilgrimage through its geography."-- New Orleans Times-Picayune, "Connolly's graceful prose, laced with acerbically witty footnotes, is a joy to read, and he easily alternates among slapstick comedy, powerful drama, and skin-crawling horror."-- Publishers Weekly, eoeConnollye(tm)s graceful prose, laced with acerbically witty footnotes, is a joy to read, and he easily alternates among slapstick comedy, powerful drama, and skin-crawling horror.ee" Publishers Weekly, eoeConnolly lets his imagination and his wit run delightfully wild as he describes Helle(tm)s denizens and the human bande(tm)s pilgrimage through its geography.ee" New Orleans Times-Picayune, "Connolly's graceful prose, laced with acerbically witty footnotes, is a joy to read, and he easily alternates among slapstick comedy, powerful drama, and skin-crawling horror."- Publishers Weekly, "Brilliantly funny, often touching, with enough action to keep adventure fans on the edges of their chairs, this novel combines top-notch writing with cutting wit."-- Kirkus Reviews, "Brilliantly funny, often touching, with enough action to keep adventure fans on the edges of their chairs, this novel combines top-notch writing with cutting wit." Kirkus Reviews, "Brilliantly funny, often touching, with enough action to keep adventure fans on the edges of their chairs, this novel combines top-notch writing with cutting wit."- Kirkus Reviews, "Connolly's graceful prose, laced with acerbically witty footnotes, is a joy to read, and he easily alternates among slapstick comedy, powerful drama, and skin-crawling horror." Publishers Weekly, eoeBrilliantly funny, often touching, with enough action to keep adventure fans on the edges of their chairs, this novel combines top-notch writing with cutting wit.ee" Kirkus Reviews