200+Seeds Tatsoi, Tah Tsai, Spoon mustard, Spinach mustard,
Rosette bok choy Chinese Cabbage Vegetable
Tatsoi (Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa or Brassica rapa var. rosularis) is a member of the Brassica family—along with . mustard greens and Brussels sprouts. It has rounded leaves shaped like a spoon, which have a buttery texture and a slightly sweet flavor The aliases include tat soy, tat soi, broadbeak mustard, spoon mustard, spinach mustard, and rosette bok choy.Tatsoi looks like a flattened bok choy,but it hs a more pronounced pleasant mustard flavor than bok choy. The mild, mustardy leaves often show up in mixed salad greens.
Growing and Planting Tips
Soil: Provide a well-draining soil with a lot of compost or other organics matter mixed in. Tatsoi grows in soil with a pH from 6.0 - 7.5, with 6.5 - 7.0 the ideal range.
Planting You can direst sow or start seed indoors start seed about 4 - 5 weeks before your last frost date. Begin sowing outdoors after your last frost date. Don't rush it; young plants will bolt if they experience too much cold weather. Seeds are quick to germinate, usually within 4 - 8 days.
Plant seed 1/4 - 1/2 inch deep, spaced 1 inch apart. Thin and eat the plants when they are a couple of inches tall. If you are growing full-sized plants, thin to a 6 - 8-inch spacing.
Fall-grown tatsoi usually does better than seed sown in the spring.Tatsoi prefers full sun or partail shade, and grow best in temperatures from 45-75 degrees F.(7-24 C.). Besides the greater chance of the seedlings experiencing cold temperatures or frost in the spring causing them to bolt, there are also fewer insect pests in the fall.Tatsoi has the odd habit of growing flat in cold weather, but more upright in heat.
Harvesting You can start harvesting tatsoi leaves when they are about 4 inches long. Dwarf tatsoi matures in 20 - 25 days. Full-size tatsoi takes 40 - 50 days.Full-size heads will grow to about 8 - 10 inches tall. Spread depends on whether the leaves are flattened or upright, but figure about 12 inches per plant.
Cooking Tatsoi has slightly more of a tangy mustard flavor than bok choy. It is often found in salad mixes and can be cooked in any dish where you would use bok choy - stir-fries, soups, and side dishes. The mild and tender baby leaves taste very similar to spinach and would be a good substitute when it is too warm to grow spinach plants.
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