Pre-viewed for quality and played great on my Daewoo vcr. Box is in good shape and the cassette has store branded security stickers on the spine and right endcap assuring you of first generation quality. Out Of Print (OOP) in all formats and no longer being produced.
Quentin Kemmer works as a security guard by day but lives for his Spiderman (name & look changed for copyright reasons in the movie) comic books and his unspoken devotion to the girl next door. His shyness prevents him from asking her out. Fate comes to a head at Quentin's place of employ, Biochemco, where gene splicing engineers are working on a secret project to build a bigger, better, unstompable variety of spider, with an eye toward future "weapons resistence" applications.
When an intruder breaks in, damages the program, and kills his partner, he angrily punishes himself with an injection of "super spider mojo" which mutates him into Peter Parker's worst nightmare and more like a six-legged version of Cronenberg's 'The Fly'.