Title: A Stranger At the Table: Dealing with Your Child's Eating Disorder Author: Cris Haltom Ph.D. Publisher: Ronjon Publishing, Inc. Publication Year: 2004 Edition: First Edition Format: Paperback

Description: "A Stranger At the Table" by Cris Haltom Ph.D. is a compassionate and insightful guide for parents navigating the challenges of their child's eating disorder. Drawing from her expertise as a psychologist, Haltom provides practical advice, emotional support, and valuable resources to help families cope with and overcome this complex issue.

Key Features:

Condition: This first edition paperback of "A Stranger At the Table" is in good condition overall, carefully preserved and free from significant damage or markings. The cover and pages show minimal signs of wear, with no creases or tears observed. The spine remains firm, and the text is clean and legible. The photographs provided depict the actual condition of the book, highlighting its well-maintained appearance.