Cherry Tomato Seeds
Germination Rate- 98%
We do NOT ship to courier services. Seeds can NOT be shipped out of the U.S.
Life Cycle -- Annual
Plant Harvest -- 65-85 days
Hardiness Zone -- 3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
Soil -- Well Drained , pH 6.5 to 7.5 Sensitive to low pH (pH for indoor growing)
Sun Light Requirement -- Full Sun
Direct Sowing -- 12" to 36" apart
The cherry tomato plant is known for its plentiful clusters of delicious, juicy fruits. It can thrive in various environments, including gardens, patios, and even indoor spaces. If you plan to grow them in hanging baskets, it's best to choose a smaller variety that is more suitable for this type of cultivation. The time required for harvesting may differ slightly depending on the specific variety chosen but will generally be shorter than that of larger tomatoes. On average, expect to harvest your cherry tomatoes in about 75 days.
Non Gmo
Open Pollinated
USA Grown