Dr. Reckeweg Stannum Metallicum(Dilution)

Trituration of the pure metal.

Common Name: Tin.

Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Stannum Metallicum

Mind and Head

Weakness, exhaustion of mind and body. Sudden fits of passion. Dislike to society and conversation, hopelessness.

Stannum relieves Aching in temples and forehead. Heaviness and stunning pressure in head.

Pain centers over one or other eye and extends over whole or part of head indicates Stannum Metallicum.

Eyes, ear, nose

Burning lancinations in lids. Itching, smarting, and burning sensation in eyes.

Ringing in left ear, earache, with drawing tearings indicates Stannum Metallicum.

Burning sensation in nose. Dry coryza on one side only, with soreness, swelling, and redness of nostrils.

Mouth and Throat

It is an important remedy for singers and public speakers. Painful swelling of submaxillary glands.

Violent, dry cough, Hoarseness and roughness in larynx with tickling, which excites a cough is well relieved by Stannum Metallicum.

Ulcer on gums, with swelling of cheeks indicates Stannum Metallicum.

Roughness and scraping in throat, especially in evening. Rawness and dryness in throat, without thirst.

Stomach and abdomen

Empty, all-gone sensation in stomach, nausea and vomiting from the smell of cooking, and the gastralgia compels the patient to walk about for relief,

Stannum Metallicum is indicated for Cramp, colic around navel, with a feeling of emptiness where Colic is relieved by hard pressure.

Cramps in stomach, sometimes with bitter risings, sensation of hunger and diarrhoea.

Digging, pinching, and griping in abdomen, before every stool.

Stool and Anus

Frequent, ineffectual want to evacuate, Passes worms, lumbrici, taenia.

Urinary complaints

Retention of urine.Frequent want to urinate, sometimes with scanty emission.

Male complaints

Frequent pollutions, with excessive prostration.

Female complaints

Cramps in uterus. Itching in vulva, worse evening.


Dizziness, Spasmodic twitching of muscles of forearm and hand can be relieved by Stannum Metallicum.

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