Common Name: Musk
Moschus is useful in Vertigo, with nausea and vomiting, want to lie down, and desire for coffee.
It relieves Headache, with nausea and vomiting, which compels lying down.
Moschus is useful in compressive and stunning headache, especially just above root of nose, with nausea in evening better moving head, and in room, better in open air.
It is useful in complaint of Epistaxis.
Tingling in extremity of nose, as if from insects.
Moschus is useful in Violent eructations, sometimes which nausea.
Sudden attacks of nausea, at sight or thought of food.
Moschus is useful in Violent vomiting, especially in morning, and often accompanied by pain in stomach and chest, and distension of epigastrium.
Sensation of fullness and obstruction in region of stomach and epigastrium, sometimes with uneasiness, worse after a moderate meal.
It relieves Smarting, burning sensation of excoriation, in region of stomach, after a meal.
Moschus relieves attacks of painful contraction in umbilical region, with suspended respiration.
There is Sensation of tension in abdomen, as if clothes were too tight, accompanied by an anxiety which neither permits attention to any kind of labor, nor continuance in one place, but compels constant running from side to side.
Stool and Anus
Moschus is useful in Constipation, especially after taking coffee.
Moschus is also helpful in complaint of Diarrhea (involuntary), especially at night, and sometimes during sleep, Diarrhea, with violent cuttings.
There is stitches in the anus, extending to the bladder.
Respiratory Organs and Chest
It helps in Severe dry cough worse morning, pain under left breast on coughing.
Moschus is useful in Whooping-cough, last stage, with vertigo and constriction of chest and trachea.
Difficult respiration, and shortness of breath, with shootings in chest indicates Moschus.
Pressive pain in chest, to extent of obstructing respiration is relieved by it.
Neck and Back
Violent drawings in nape, unable to turn head is relieved.
It relieves Violent drawing pain in back, as if tissues drawn tense (as before menses).
There is Acute pressure left side of sacrum above coccyx, as if caused by a dull instrument.