Bulletin and Library of Self-Education. Popular scientific journal on all branches of knowledge. 1904. January- June. Half-yearly kit. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vestnik i Biblioteka Samoobrazovaniya. Nauchno-populyarnyy zhurnal po vsem otraslyam znaniya. 1904 g. Yanvar- iyun. Polugodovoy komplekt.St. Petersburg Brockhaus-Ephron 1904. Solid of contents: Starry sky-astronomy bulletin for April 1904 with 3 star maps, Manchuria (with 11 figures) by P.Nadin, Our sociological subjectivism and metaphysical idealism by L.E. Obolensky, The Nature of Labor and Capital as Factors of Proi. SKUalb86e3396625c4168c.