Tincture of day powdered root. Juice of fresh root mixed with equal parts of alcohol.
Common Name: Black Hellebore, Snow-rose
Mind and Head
Stupefaction occurs in greater or less degree, vertigo from stooping.
Shooting pains, pressive pains in the head from congestion, bruised pain externally on vertex and occiput is relieved with Helleborus niger.
Irritable, worse from consolation, stupidity, fixedness of look on one single point, inability to think.
Pains in occiput and nape of neck is resolved with Helleborus niger.
Eyes, ear, nose
Involuntary fixedness of look one the single point. Pressive heaviness in the eyes, in a downward direction.
Shootings in the ears, is an indication for Helleborus niger.
Mouth and Throat
Vesicles and aphthae in the mouth, and on the tongue.
Pimple on the tip of the tongue, painfully stinging when touched is relieved with Helleborus niger.
sore throat on swallowing, feels excoriated.
Stomach and abdomen
Nausea at the stomach, rumbling and rolling in the bowels, darting in the joints
Nausea in whole abdomen, with frequent empty eructations. Burning pain in the stomach.
Heaviness in the abdomen. Watery and frequent evacuations.
Stool and Anus
Hemorrhoids. Feeling as if intestines had no power to evacuate feces, during soft stool.
Stools consisting of pure, tenacious, white mucus.
Urinary complaints
Scanty urine, with sediment like coffee grounds.
Male complaints
Helleborus resolves the flaccidity of the genital parts.
Female complaints
Pains all over her, forced her menses on, had to get up at night to pass water.
Neck and Back
Swelling of the glands of the neck.