This is for a lot of 2 original vintage amateur shot 35mm slides, one showing the outside of a theater showing It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World with a crowd waiting in line and the marquee overhead, and the other a close-up of two of the people in line. The slide borders aren't stamped with a date code. I sold two slides from this photoshoot before, not knowing there were any more that I'd come across, and those were in an envelope labeled 1963. As I have gone through this slide collection more, I found these two additional slides from the same day/location, also in an envelope marked 1963. Given they were sorted as such, these would have to be from either November or December 1963, since the film was released on November 7, 1963. Unsure on which theater is pictured, but it would have been one in Southern California, as the family that these slides came from (our relatives) was from there in the 60s. Please note that these are slides and not printed photos.