Essay on the history of the city of Chernihiv. 907-1907 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Ocherk istorii goroda Chernigova. 907-1907 Chernihiv Type. Province of 1908. 72 p., plan 1. An important source on the thousand-year history of one of the oldest cities of Ancient Russia and the Russian Empire. It considers the periods of princely evening (907-1356), Lithuanian (1356-1503), Moscow (1503-1618), Polish (1618-1654), Hetman (1654-1722), the time of transition to general imperial rule (1722-1782), the operation of Catherines institutions in Chernihiv (1782-1870), as well as the reform period up to the compilation of this work. SKUalb9d6cc367899882b7.