Title: Interpretation of Canine and Feline Urinalysis (Ralston Purina Clinical Handbook Series) Authors: Dennis J. Chew and Stephen P. DiBartola Format: Spiral-Bound Publisher: The Gloyd Group, Inc. Publication Date: September 1, 1998 (First Printing) Condition: Good (As seen in photographs)

Description: "IInterpretation of Canine and Feline Urinalysis" is an essential reference for veterinary professionals involved in the analysis and interpretation of urine samples in dogs and cats. Authored by Dennis J. Chew and Stephen P. DiBartola, this spiral-bound book is part of the esteemed Ralston Purina Clinical Handbook Series.

Published by The Gloyd Group, Inc., this edition represents the first printing, dated September 1, 1998. The book provides comprehensive guidance on the interpretation of canine and feline urinalysis, covering topics such as sample collection, analysis techniques, and diagnostic interpretation.

The book is presented in a spiral-bound format, facilitating easy access to information during clinical practice. It is in good condition, showcasing minimal wear and tear, as depicted in the accompanying photographs.

About the Authors: Dennis J. Chew and Stephen P. DiBartola are esteemed veterinarians with specialized expertise in small animal medicine and clinical pathology. Their combined knowledge and experience ensure that "Interpretation of Canine and Feline Urinalysis" offers invaluable insights into the interpretation of urine samples in veterinary practice.

Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your understanding of canine and feline urinalysis with "Interpretation of Canine and Feline Urinalysis" by Chew and DiBartola. This first printing, spiral-bound edition is a valuable addition to any veterinary library.