Who Said Apes Have No Tales! by Erlynn Botelho Carbajal

Dean Preston (Editor), Bobby Porter (Foreword)

Who Said Apes Have No Tales!
Planet of the Apes is regarded as one of the most iconic science fiction franchises of all time.
Who hasn't heard the famous quote, "Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!", or seen the legendary half-buried Statue of Liberty?
Who has heard about the prank that director Franklin Schaffner didn't find amusing at all; or how strange fingernail marks mysteriously appeared on Charlton Heston's neck during filming?
Who Said Apes Have No Tales! is a collection of previously untold anecdotes from the filming of the original Planet of the Apes
 and three of its four sequels - as witnessed firsthand by Erlynn Botelho Carbajal.

She not only had roles in the films, but Erlynn was also one of John Chambers' earliest models used in the creation of the groundbreaking, and subsequently Oscar-winning, ape prosthetics.

Join Erlynn as she takes you behind the scenes and shares these truly unique tales!


Paperback: 320 pages
