Biblical-Biographical Dictionary, or biographies of all persons mentioned in the Holy Books of the Old and New Testaments, and others having any influence on the course and spread of the Church of God on earth, with an analytical table of contents and supplement. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Bibleysko-biograficheskiy slovar, ili zhizneopisaniya vsekh lits, upominaemykh v Svyashchennykh knigakh Vetkhogo i Novogo Zavetov, i drugikh imevshikh kakoe-libo vliyanie na khod i rasprostranenie Tserkvi Bozhiey na zemle, s analiticheskoyu tablitseyu soderzhaniya i dopolneniem. C is an analytical table of contents and a supplement to the Chronological Review of the Most Memorable Faces of the New Testament Church of the Post-Biblical Age, in alphabetical order of St. Petersburg. Volume 4 is printed in the printing house of the Moscow Cadet Corps. Apparently, after Zaletovs death in 1917, the book passed to one Osokin Nikolai Al. SKUalb0ba3ec4a4e3df155.