A collection of photographs of Russian prisoners of war, collected and classified as an annex to the report of the French Consul, Mr. De Lucie-Fosarrier, on the stay and detention of prisoners of war in Japan during the campaign of 1904-1905. /Kollektsiya fotografiy russkikh voennoplennykh, sobrannaya i klassifitsirovannaya v kachestve prilozheniya k dokladu frantsuzskogo konsula gospodina De Lyusi- Fosar'e o prebyvanii i soderzhanii voennoplenykh v Yaponii vo vremya kompanii 1904-1905gg. Comments in Russian, French and Japanese. M. Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents, Golden-B. 2010. 236 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbae60498f8e57d7b0