Cats have very acute and finely tuned senses and amazing balance. They use their tails as counterweights to assist their balance by swinging them tr offset any changes in their bodies' centers of gravity, much like a tight wit walker uses a pole. When cats fall, super sensitive hairs within the balanc center of their inner ears sense the movement of crystals and liquid in the inner ear and instantly send directional messages to their brains. Their brains immediately translate these complex messages into signals to their neck muscles to move their heads which ever way keeps their heads horizontal to the ground. Their bodies then quickly adjust to the position their heads, enabling cats to land squarely on all fours! The bodies of cats are also very flexible. A cat's spine has up to twenty-six more vertebrae the a human backbone and is connected with supple muscles, instead of ligaments. Cats have an unusual shoulder joint structure which enables them to turn their forelegs in almost any direction, and because cats do