Khodakovsky Evgeny. Italian painting of the thirteenth-twentieth centuries. Fates of the classical tradition. 400 illustrations. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Khodakovskiy Evgeniy. Ital'yanskaya zhivopis' XIII-XX vekov. Sud'by klassicheskoy traditsii. 400 illyustratsiy. The series: National Schools of Painting. St. Petersburg, Aurora. 2002, 288 pages. Italian art has been an indisputable model for the whole of Europe for centuries. Artists from France, England, Flanders, Germany, Russia and other countries sought to study in this country, the only successor to antiquity, than the Italians confirmed the truth of the adage of their distant ancestors: All roads lead to Rome. The uniqueness of the Italian painting school lies in the diversity of local traditions that led to the emergence of many schools (Venetian, Florentine, Siena, Umbrian, Genoese, Bologna, Ferrara, etc.), each of which possessed only its essence, a special uniqueness. SKUalbbcf0feeea86877d3.