Chelpanov G.I. Introduction to Experimental Psychology. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Chelpanov G.I. Vvedenie v eksperimental'nuyu psikhologiyu. Moscow edition of T-va by V.V. Dumnov-hereditary. Br. Salaevykh of 1915 -On the probability of error. - The error curve - the probable value and measure of accuracy. - Likely error. - The perception of light. - The phenomenon of contrast in the area of color sensations. - Hearing sensations. - Monocular vision. - Binocular vision. - Chronoscope. - Measurement of complex reactions. - Graphic measurement of time. - Graphic registration of movement. - Experimental study of attention. - Psychophysical methods. - Method of minimal changes. - Method of medium errors. - Method of constant intervals. - The basic concepts of electrical engineering - distribution of electrical energy in the psychological laboratory. SKUalbdc3f17adf589c369.