It's said that all sickness begins in the colon and then spreads to other parts of the body. The purpose of the colon is to expel the toxins and wastes that it collects from other organs in the body. When waste matter sits in our colon, it allows proteins to putrefy. fats become rancid, and carbohydrates ferment. Even with one bowel movement per day, you will still have at least two meals worth of waste matter putrefying in your colon at all times. If the colon is not operating efficiently and not kept cleansed of encrusted toxins and waste, then it will begin recycling waste back into the body, which will absorb into the bloodstream and accumulate in our organs.
The longer your body is exposed to these conditions, the more risk of absorbing these dangerous intestinal toxins, causing dis-ease.
The herbs in New Body's C.K.L.S. formula have been successfully used to eliminate toxins in the colon, kidney's, liver, and spleen.
One of the best things about this cleanse, unlike any others you may have tried, C.K.L.S. does not gripe the stomach. Millions of people have successfully cleansed the New Body way!
New Body Products 7 day Colon Cleanse. Shipped via USPS with tracking.